On every vacation that our family has ever taken beginning with John and my trip to Hawaii in 1986, I have kept a journal. Pictured above are my journals, each one is filled with memories of our vacations. The journals have captured the historic data, the motels, the restaurants, favorite routes, helpful hints for the next journey, gas prices, personal memories, quotes by the travelers, and lots of funny events.
On each trip I drag all the journals along and reread all our adventures. Usually the girls would zone out except for a few of their favorite stories like the ever famous Burger King Whopper story (a family favorite) or the rancid turkey sandwich story or all the stories about Courtney on her 40% of the backseat and Alissa on her 60% or the runner man story. Just typing these things makes me laugh and remember such good times. John listens intently because it keeps him awake, I think.
The journals cover 14 trips to St. George Island, Florida, (all driving), Courtney and Pauls wedding trip to St. George, one trip to Cape San Blas, Florida, one trip to Emerald Island, NC, one trip to Wrightsville Beach, NC, one trip to Greenville, Mississippi, one trip to hell aka Gulf Shores, Alabama, two trips to Disneyworld, a trip out west to SD, Colorado, and Wyoming, one trip to Washington DC, and various smaller trips to cottages up north. Oops, almost forgot the biggest adventure of all, a trip to the Riveria Maya for our 30th anniversary with C, P, A, and N. (Soup or salad?)
I have four journals so far, almost ready for a fifth one, maybe after this trip. The first journal was a gift from my best friend, Connie for my 30th birthday in 1983. It has a very special inscription in it from Connie. It covers our trips to Hawaii, two to Disneyworld, Washington D.C., Virginia Beach, and out west.
The second journal, the Noah's ark one came from a student of mine. It includes three trips to St. George, a trip to hell and back (Gulf Shores), and a trip to NC.
The third journal came from my other best friend, Lynne. It has the pretty beach scene on it and is also inscriped with a sweet message from Lynne. It covers four more trips to St. George Island, a trip to NC, and a small trip to the Mall of America.
And the newest journal is from my niece Mallory given to me on my 52 birthday. It is the one with the pretty flowers on it. She also wrote a note in the journal to me. This one covers a trip to Cape San Blas, Florida (almost forgot about this trip) we had to go to Cape San Blas after a hurricane closed St. George down at the last minute, six more trips to St. George, our Mexico Adventure, and a bike trip to Red Wing, MN
By the way, Mallory will be driving down with us to St. George on this trip so she will be hearing the journals unless she has her i-pod cranked too loud!
I look forward to leaving for St. George on Friday. The journal reading will begin when the sun is up probably about two hours into the trip so somewhere near Rochelle, IL
Too bad Alissa and Courtney are not in the car with us this trip because I know how much they enjoy the journal reading and how they will miss it, especially Alissa!