My daughters are both very different people. Sometimes it is hard to believe they were raised in the same home with the same two parents. But despite their personality differences they get along like bread and butter. (I think I just made that up, huh) In fact, in all the years they lived together under one roof and often in one bed, they only had one major fight that I can recall. It involved a boyfriend of Courtney's who Alissa did not care for and that disagreement escaladed into a few days of not speaking to one another, something that is very difficult when one of you is the manager of the Aquatic Center and one of you is the Head Guard. Luckily, the fight was short lived, Courtney dumped the boyfriend and life went on as normal. I am sure they must have had a few spats as they were growing up, but none that I recall.
So, I titled this post a tribute to my SILs and here I am talking daughters...
After spending a week up in a lake home with numerous relatives including both girls and their husbands I just could not believe how each of them married someone that was just so perfect for them, although very, very different from each other. If I could have hand picked their mates, which I really tried to do on numerous occasions, I could not have chosen better than Paul and Nathan.
Let's go in birh order here. Courtney married Paul. They both share a love for St. George Island which is where they tied the knot. They are green and care about the environment. They like to grow their own food and don't care so much about weeds or long grass in their yard. Clutter and messes don't seem to bother either of them although I think Paul may not appreciate it as much as Courtney. They don't like to use chemicals in cleaning (but then they don't clean much) or on themselves although I think they forget that rule when it comes to mosquito spray. Neither of them seems particularily upset if they could not biological children and are embracing adoption, which is not to say that they wouldn't welcome a bio. child if it is in God's plan for them. They both pray and go to church although they probably won't ever totally agree on which church is right or best. They are both liberal in their views. Paul cares about politics, not so sure about Courtney. They love to travel especially scenic road trips. They are very laid back and often run late for things. They are great parents and take their role very seriously. They try to make healthy choices in their food and don't appreciate sweet snacks. (Although, I think Courtney still does, but they make a united front when it comes to treats for Tiz) They share lots of private jokes, laughs, and I know there is so much love shared between the two of them. Good choice Courtney!
Now on to my younger child. Alissa and Nathan had a destination wedding in Bloomington, yep, that would be Illinois. Seemed the appropriate place to tie the knot since that is where they met. Of course they met in a bar! They both love going out and finding new restaurants and bars. They love their beer whether they drink it at a favorite bar, a brewery tour, or at the Hunter Pub. They both are very organized and everything must be in its place. I am so glad that Alissa found someone just like her in this area. Their closet, which is huge by the way, is so neat and tidy right down to the hangers which are all the same and hang just so. Their towels are hung up, their bed is made, pillows are in place, and clothes are put away. Both of them love TV and the wii. They go into TV withdrawal if they have to go without it for a long period of time. Nathan loves to cook and create new recipes which Alissa loves to indulge in. They are not green, don't go out of their way to recycle, and don't care how many chemicals go on or in their bodies. I think they pray, but they do not care for church. They may or may not have children, either of them could live with or without children. If they do have a child, they will be fine as long as they are both working and have good childcare. They love sweet treats and Diet soda. When you see them, you know they are in love with one another. They share lots of laughs, private jokes which usually involve making fun of someone, and having fun together. Good choice Alissa!
So, there is why I think both girls chose the perfect mate.
I like to see little tidbits of the way that John and I live life in each of the girls' married lives. We love a scenic route like Courtney and Paul and we appreciate sweets and junk food like Alissa and Nathan. We love TV, don't care much for reading, are organized, and hate clutter. We are not green, we pray and go to church, embraced being parents, and are conservative. We like to run on a schedule and get places on time. I think we lean a bit more toward Alissa and Nathan's life style, but with a few of Courtney and Paul's ideas thrown in for good measure. A good choice all the way around for all of us!
So, in closing, I want to say thanks to my two son in laws. I love both of you for all the ways you make my daughters happy. It makes a mother's heart happy to know they are happy!