I just wanted to document our trips to Build a Bear with Tizita.
The first time we took her was in Feb. 2009.
We took her to the Build a Bear in Mayfair and she chose a turtle that she named Geen.
After we made Geen, we had dinner at a Mexican Restaurant.
Tizita is wearing Geen's boots in this photo.
Our second trip was in 2010.
We took Tizita to the mall in Appleton.
She chose a dog and named him Dog.
Our next trip to Build a Bear was in Aug. 2011.
This time she chose a pink bear.
She named him Pinkie.
This year, she wanted a pet that could go on a leash.
She chose a calico cat and named her Rainbow Dash.
She also got a i pod for the cat.
We did not purchase shoes this time since the cat would have needed four shoes!
This was the first time that Tizita really understood the whole process of making the stuffed animal and she did the computer work to name it.
We always have fun on our trips to Build a Bear.
I hope they continue to for years to come.