Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Tour of the Fire Station

Finally a moment of peace as they are immersed in the movie.
Touching everything in the back of the ambulance
Ready to return to school
Today I took my afternoon preschoolers to visit the fire station. My afternoon class has only ten students, but a few of them are very vocal and tend to talk all the time so I figured this tour was going to be a challenge. The firefighters giving the tour have no trouble riling (I think that is the way to spell it, at least that came up on spell check) the kids up! When they let all the kids climb up in the back of the EMS I figured all you know what would break loose. The kids were pulling out stethoscopes and other things that I don't even know what they were. It didn't seem to phase the firefighters one bit, while I was a wreck. I didn't think any of that equipment is any too cheap to replace. Then they let them climb into the ladder truck and touch a bunch of stuff in there, too. Again I am a wreck! Finally we settle down to watch a movie and the kids want popcorn from their little popcorn cart. These kids will ask for anything. The most exciting part was when the firefighters slid down the pole. I know a few of the kids were disappointed that they couldn't slide down, too, but some things are just off limits and for good reason. I was never so relieved when we walked out of the station before any real damage was done. I guess I figure that firefighters in Watertown have a pretty boring day so maybe having kids there just livens things up for them. I sure am glad they didn't get a call while the class was in the EMS!


Kim said...

I miss the days of fun fieldtrips. Looks like they had a great time! I can just picture you getting worked up when they were in the EMS and pulling out all the equipment. There was a stretcher in there, you could have just laid down for some rest ;o) I think my friend Mel's son Iree went to visit a firestation with his preschool yesterday too. Oh to be a kid again!

Verna said...

Had you laid on that stretcher I would have been afraid they might have tried to tie you down like for transport. And I think that would have frustrated you even more.
Kim--- face it you are a grown up now... we can still do childish things and go with kids to do things and have a lot of fun...But your carefree days are over.;)
I'm like one of the kids, I would have loved to slide down the pole.
I think that would be a lot of fun!

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