Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Fat Tuesday and other ramblings

No, I don't celebrate Fat Tuesday or give anything up for Lent, but just wanted to wish you a Happy Fat Tuesday in case you do celebrate. I understand the concept of giving things up for Lent, but reflecting on the sufferings and death of Jesus for our sins is enough for me at this time of the year. Although giving up chocolate would be a true suffering for me.

John and I went to Brookfield Square on Saturday. I wanted to try and find a swimming suit for our upcoming trip to St. George. I already own a good number of suits, but they are all old and showing their wear. It is hard for me to throw out a swimming suit that has served me well and that fits my body in a pleasing way, but it is time. Maybe I should give up some old swimming suits for Lent.
Anyway I went into this shopping trip fully knowing that it was going to be rather traumatic, after all there is nothing pretty about trying on swimming suits. I took about eight suits in with me. All of them looked really nice on a hanger and I thought I could envision them on my body, but alas it wasn't until I got to the last one that I felt I could actually go out in public in the suit. I did purchase the last suit and another tankini top to go with some shorts that I already have here at home, so I felt good and did have a successful shopping trip.
The beauty of St. George is that I never feel out of place wearing a swim suit all day long, it is just that kind of a place. No muss, no fuss just lots of people of all shapes and sizes in swimwear. June cannot come too soon for me!

We did get a fantastic deal at Sears. Unusual for us, we seldom fall into deals. John had forgotten the Sears charge, but since the swim skirt cover up I had found was only $14.99 we figured we could use cash. The cashier asked us if we wanted to apply for a charge card, told her we had one, she said it didn't matter and if we applied the skirt would cost us 74 cents. First, John and I protest, because if it sounds too good to be true..., but she insists and we take the two minutes to answer a few questions and we pay for the skirt with three quarters and get a penny back to boot. Not a bad deal even for us!

So, all in all a great day of shopping. Top it off with a pizza and pitcher of beer at Marty's and you have the ending to a perfect day.

Enjoy your Fat Tuesday in whatever way you choose to do that and Blessings to those of you who give something up for Lent. I am going to throw out those old suits now.

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