Thursday, June 11, 2015

Updates on my Businesses

Mrs. Damman's Summer Scholars is in its second week.
I have 12 students who range in age from 2 - 7.
It takes me quite a bit of planning time to make sure that I am doing all I can to help each child with their individual needs.
I meet four of the students in my classroom and I go to the houses of the other eight.
So, far I am really enjoying it and the kids tell me they love when I come to teach them.
I think my biggest challenge will be the two second graders who need help with their reading and writing, but really don't care too much for either reading or writing.  Lots of creativity needed there
The easiest student, so far, is a little boy who just finished Kindergarten.
He loves to read and write and cannot get enough of it, so that makes my job easy.
Here are a few photos from my tutoring yesterday.
 A 4K student working on letters

 A first grader working on his money skills.
 A three year old practicing her cutting skills.
 A three year old counting.
 My youngest student, age 2 water coloring a chameleon.
 That same little girl decorating her initial.
As you can see, I do lots of different activities with the kids.
The parents pay me a good amount for this service so that is why I put so much into it.
So far I am enjoying it.

Sherri's Shots
I am pleasantly surprised that anyone would actually want my artwork hanging up in their homes, but apparently they do.
I finally made a DAMMAN for us and today I made a blessings collage.
I am working on an order for two collages, one that will say FAMILY and one that will say FAITH.
I really enjoy looking for the letters and I have found some nice frames on Amazon.
Just comment if anyone who reads here is interested in a collage.
So far, I have been able to deliver all the ones that I have made, but I am willing to ship them out if necessary.
 In closing, I will say
on your day!

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