Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Carroll's Homecoming and I almost lost it again!

Last Saturday, John and I went to Carroll's Homecoming, nothing new there, we go to Carroll's homecoming almost every year, but this year was different.
Usually it is all about me.  We usually go with my college roommate Joan.  She and I hang out, drink beers and make fun of people.  John always joins in the fun with us.
Well, this year, Joan couldn't go.
Sherri and Jeff Browning were returning again after a great time last year.
They were coming all the way from North Carolina.
It was also the year to celebrate John's football team and a championship that they had won in 1977.
John was not actually a part of the team that winning year but he had been a part of the team for the previous three years and so we feel he contributed to the championship!
He was welcomed by all the old players, old being the operative word here!
The day started at 10:30 already and it was the slowest moving day in history for me.
I am not good at small talk and I do not care about these people, so trying to chat with them and pretend I cared was torture, plain and simple.
All the players and wives got into the game for free.
We have never watched one Homecoming game and I didn't think we should start now.
We did watch a quarter, then John agreed to go shopping for awhile.
We returned by 5:00, went over to Club 400 where there was free food and beer for the team.
At least the day didn't cost us much!
I know John had fun seeing some of the people and I guess I owed him one after all the homecomings he has spent with me and Joan!
The rest of the weekend was spent relaxing and watching lifetime movies for me!

And, I just cannot figure out how to get this blog on my new computer, so I have to bring the school laptop home and update the blog.  
Makes me sad because I just don't want to end it.
Now would be the time to just say, enough already, but I am not ready for that quite yet!
So, I will continue to write on it from this laptop.

See you in about a week!

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