Sunday, August 15, 2010

Taking a Swig at Swig's

First for a short walk down Memory Lane... My Birthday, January 30,2010 at Fat Boy's Roadhouse.
New Year's Eve at Fat Boy's Roadhouse, 2009.

September 2009 at some Mexican Restaurant on Brady St.
September 2009 again, whatever possessed me to wear this shirt which we now lovingly refer to as a circus tent.
As you can see, we have had some fun nights with my college roommate, Joan. We would go for years in the past without seeing one another. Life just seemed to get in the way, but over the last few years we have been able to spend at least some time together every few months. Alissa has joined us for a couple of these nights when Nathan has been out of town. Alissa and Joan have lots of similarities and I think that is why they get along so well.
Anyway, we had another night out last night. We went to the historic Third Ward and started with drink at a bar, don't know the name.
There first three pictures are from that bar.
Aren't these just about the best looking women you have ever laid eyes on? No circus tent for me this time!

After that first drink, we headed over to Swig, Joan's choice of a restaurant. We all were able to print off "Free Wine" coupons so we began by enjoying a free wine. There was some major people watching and bashing as there usually is when we are together. Our waiter patiently put up with our questions and requests and there was a girl in the bathroom stall who we are not at all sure what she was doing in there for so long! Our meals were so yummy and the presentation was very artsy.

Then we headed off to a Wine Bar and finished up our evening with a glass or vino and some more good conversation and laughs.

We dropped Joan off at her place and spent the night at Alissa's. Slept in until 9:30 today and headed home to a beautiful Sunday. The heat and humidity have left the area. Windows are open and AC is off!


Kim said...

I am surprised Alissa allowed you to use the "free coupons." I think I embarrassed her once with my coupons. Looks like a great night out.

madj said...

When one looks at these pix, it's clear to see why I don't mind going out with this group. They need an ugly duckling to offset stiking beauty.

Kim: With only 1 income, coupons are a life saver.

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