Saturday, December 18, 2010

Where are all these viewers coming from?

When I check my stats on this blog, I notice that it gets lots of hits from foreign countries as well as many hits from the U.S. I was just wondering who these people might be, so I am asking a favor of you. If you came to my blog, please let me know who you are and where you are from. I know it takes a bit to leave a comment, but I would appreciate it.
Thanks for visiting and Thanks for commenting.


Verna said...

Hi-- Well, let me think where am I from? Oh, I know I live in Illinois about 40 miles south of where we ment when our daughters were going to college.

I don't always leave a comment but I do come over to read your adventures.
HOpe and trust you will have a wonderful Christmas this year!!!!

Kim said...

I always read (but you prob already knew that one). I'm interested to see where your readers are too. I found out a lot of my facebook friends read my blog even though they never comment.

LuAnn Snawder said...

Hi Sherri,
I reading your blog for a couple of years. I enjoy reading about your "grandmother" adventures. You have a lovely family. I am about your age, and I have been looking forward to being a granmother. My only son & his wife, have been hinting that they may have "baby news" at Christmas, so my excitement is growing!
I live in the Louisville area.
Merry Christmas!

Laura said...

Hey! I'm sure you were aware that I wasa reading but I thought I would actually comment!

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