Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Who Goes out of the House Looking like this?

Well, I did it yet again! I went to school with these two different shoes on! I didn't even notice my fashion mistake until lunch time which is a good thing or it would have been bothering me the whole day instead of just for the afternoon.
To top it off, I had a prospective parent visiting this afternoon. Would you sign your child up in a Preschool where the teacher wore two different shoes? I guess she did not notice because she signed him up on the spot. I also ran out to Walmart after school, but let's be real here folks, it is Walmart, so who would notice there. Helping out was the fact that my navy pants were nice and long today so you couldn't even see the straps of the shoes, (I have the pants pulled up here for the photo) plus with these crazy snowflace socks it also helped hide the shoe mishap. And in my defense, these shoes are very similiar right down to their plaid insides, well except that one is brown and one is black! HA!
Well, I wonder how many more times this will happen to me in my teaching career? I am sure this is not the last!


madj said...

I think it is nearly a requirement for a preschool teacher to occaisionally wear two different shoes. Just be glad one wasn't one of your white athletic shoes and the other black or brown!

Kim said...

I can't tell from the photo that one is brown and one is black. I can easily see how the mistake was made. Just as long as you don't end up on the "what people wear to walmart" website, I think you are safe.

Verna said...

I know some people who wear mismatched socks on purpose.

So why not start a trend and wear miss matched shoes?

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