Let me begin by telling you that there is absolutely nothing about April Fool's jokes that a Preschooler understands. This is a holiday meant for older children.
I tried to explain to them that a fun April Fool's Day joke might be to tell their parents that Mrs. Damman left school today because the class was so naughty, then say "April Fools". After this brilliant suggestion I heard over and over again, "Mrs. Damman, you are gone! April fool." They just don't get it.
Then Emma seemed to have a revelation. She looked at me and said, "Mrs. Damman, your earring is gone." Now there is good fool, I even was about to feel for my earrings, but Emma waited only one second or less to say "April Fool." I tried to explain that they should wait a bit before declaring an April Fool, but yet again, they just don't get it yet.
After Emma's earring fool, the other kids proceeded to tell me that my eye was gone, my ear was gone, my head was gone, my foot was gone and on and on. It gets old pretty quickly, too.
Then Cody told me that my shoe was untied, not a bad fool, but because I was not wearing shoelaces it didn't fool me. It then went into a round of Mrs. Damman, your shoe is gone.
At snack time it was all about the cookies being gone, the milk being gone, the napkins, cups etc. being gone.
After snack I tried to explain that sometimes people will tell you there is a spider on your head or something like that. Of course that roller coastered into "Mrs. Damman, there is a bee in your mouth." This was followed by various insects in assorted parts of my body.
Part of the beauty of a Preschooler is their innocence. They will have lots of years to play April fool pranks and jokes on people, but for now there really is something very special about their own brand of April foolishness! In the same breath, I am glad it only lasts one day!