Friday, April 30, 2010
Grillin' in the rain
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
A post about cars
The second part of the car post has nothing to do with a Cadillac and is not nearly as much fun as Tiz's car story. As you know, John is currently unemployed and living off the government. He has been going to various interviews but so far, no takers. Well on Monday he went to an interview at Beaver Dam Ford for a position as a car salesman. The interviewer seemed to think John fit the profile of a salesman very well and offered him a position on the completion of a training seminar. Today, John attended the first day of the seminar, by the way, this will be the last day of the seminar for him. He said it made his stomach turn and he knows he would not be able to sell a car. I am proud of him for giving it a try, but I am also relieved that he decided against the position. I know this is probably silly, but I always think of car salesmen as being shady, even dishonest. Sorry, if anyone reading this sells cars for a living. I still think they are shady, but I also know how hard they have to work because John would be making $100.00 a week unless he sold cars. Who lives on that? So, for awhile we will continue to live on our government! Time to do some more job searching and soul searching, we know there is a bigger plan awaiting us.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Tiz, twins, and Meghan
Here is Tiz giving Calvin a push.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Grandparenting at its finest
Bright and early on Saturday, I had to be at the Early Childhood Fair to man our booth. John brought Tizita over a bit later so she could partake in all the fun activities. This was a big moment for John since it was the first time that he had to get Tiz in and out of her car seat by himself. He passed the test with flying colors. Yea, Grandpa!
Anway, after they arrived we took Tizita around to all the different booths some of which included:
After some beauty shop and Grandma's new puffy hair style, one very tired little lady and two equally tired grandparents went to sleep!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Another Wonderful Wednesday
Sunday, April 11, 2010
A little of this and a little of that
It has been a very nice weekend, not only weather wise but on all other counts, too. Yesterday John and I went to Waukesha to take a walk around our old stomping grounds. We both went to Carroll University, then Carroll College and that is where we met and the rest is history. So, every so often, we like to go back and walk through memory valley.
We started our walk in Frame Park which is right on the Fox River and has a river walk that goes for a few miles on both sides of the river. There were lots of other people out and about on the lovely day. After walking the river walk, we had a picnic lunch and people watched for a bit. We then headed to Carroll College/University to check things out. We ended up at a track meet on the new track field. I hadn't been to a track meet since High School and it was fun and interesting. We got to see some pole vaulting, hammer throw, dashes, and distance running. I could not help but notice the similarities between a track meet and a swim meet. Each team had its own little area set up under the bleachers, a place to go and refresh yourself between events just like the swimmers do. I noticed the same camaraderie (hope that is the right word, not how I would have spelled it, but that is what came up on spell check) going on with the tracksters as with swimmers. I always thought swimmers were a different breed and I am thinking the same is true of the tracksters. The announcement of events, waiting for your event and your heat-all the same. Big difference is no water and no swim suits at the track field. It was indeed a nice way to spend a Saturday afternoon.
We returned home to continue to get things ready for a city wide rummage sale happening in mid May. Watch out, I am selling anything that is not nailed down! We also enjoyed some good "monster" movies on the ScyFy network. Doesn't get much better than that!
Today was church and another beautiful day. We walked and did some yard work. Disaster movies on ScyFy today so we will do a bit of that, too. School starts tomorrow after our spring break. I am ready to go back as I usually am after a break, the kids are always ready to come back, too and they are always good. Looking forward to a busy, enjoyable week.
We started growing plants for our garden. This year our Mother and Father's Day gift is a garden dug by our kids and in-law kids, so we are starting some of the plants early to hopefully insure some success. Here I am digging away in the soil. Yep, we planted right in our family room-too cold outside! And here is John planting one of our many planters.
This is how everything looked in the middle of the planting mess.
And here are our tomatoes. They survived the transplant and now hopefully they will continue to grow until we can get them outside in our new garden.
I am ending with a few more Easter pictures. Tizita always has so much fun with her Uncle Cheddah. Here she is in the nesco. We teased her about being our Easter dinner.
Here are the proud grandparents with our sweet Tizita.
And here are the lovely ladies all ready for church on Easter Sunday.
Finally, I will leave you with a picture of Tizita with her Aunt Alissa. Those two always seem to be up to something when they are together!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Easter fun and the zoo

class. That was lots of fun! She is really a good little performer and I cannot wait until her recital in June. We babysat on Tuesday night while Courtney and Paul went out. More good times with Tiz.