Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter fun and the zoo

We had a very nice Easter. It started with Tizita dyeing the Easter eggs on Good Friday. On Saturday after Alissa and Nathan arrived we had the "annual" Easter hunt although this year, I did tone it down quite a bit after protests about last year's hunt. Here is Tizita in her beautiful Easter dress before church.

Courtney and Paul returned to Oshkosh on Sunday evening, but we got to keep Tizita till Tuesday! What fun we had with our precious little lady. On Monday we headed to the Madison zoo. It was a near perfect day for a zoo trip.

Tizita took Mimi along to the zoo and she wanted Mimi to be included in the pictures.
Here is Tizita riding the tortoise.
We enjoyed a picnic lunch near the lake.
After our yummy lunch we got to ride the carasoul, still can't spell that word, two times. Tiz really enjoyed it!
We spent some time in the park/play area. Here Tiz insisted on climbing up the big rope ladder. I was nervous the first time, but as you can see she had no trouble whatsoever, keeping up with the big kids. She is really quite the little athlete!
After the zoo, we went to Ella's Deli for their famous teddy bear french toast and ice cream. We also rode their carasoul two more times! It was wonderful fun filled day!
Tiz fell asleep while watching dancing with the stars that night.
On Tuesday we headed up to Oshkosh where we were able to watch her during her dance
class. That was lots of fun! She is really a good little performer and I cannot wait until her recital in June. We babysat on Tuesday night while Courtney and Paul went out. More good times with Tiz.
On Wednesday she "taught" Grandpa and I many things in her "preschool." We did arts and crafts, calendar time, bathroom time, and some letter work. She is quite a mimic to my teaching methods, not all of them good. We took a walk outside even though it was windy and cold. We are now home and things are quiet. We will sleep good tonight!
I have come to the conclusion that there are good reasons that fifty year olds do not have children!

1 comment:

madj said...

It was a fun day. It is spelled "carrousel". You could have used "merry-go-round". She was such a riot with Mimi.

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