I felt the need to post something new on here even though I am not so sure my heart is in blogging right at the moment. Bloggers block has hit or perhaps it is because there is not much to blog about that seems important enough to document.
Oh, wait you say, most of my stuff is not worth documenting. But at least it is something that I want to write down and remember someday. Onward...
Having an unemployed husband is nice in ways. John does laundry, cleans bathrooms, runs errands, and generally makes life easier for me. I think I will give him a few quick cooking lessons for next week, then I will really have it made. There is not much harder than a 55 year old man looking for work in a world that has no work available. We live in a very sad time and unfortunately John and I are at the wrong age, too young for social security and too old for much of anything else. In the same breath, we wonder what young couples with children do when they lose their jobs. At least we have our house! One thing we do not have at the moment is health insurance, we are not in any hurry to pick it up either. Enough on that for now.
We have received out first unemployment check and I am happy to report that our government is still pretty generous when it comes to taking care of us. Our classes at the Financial Peace University have also come in handy as we try to make our money stretch. We are definitely putting our lessons into practice.
We are becoming experts at shopping at Aldi and we actually enjoy all the money we save. The products are very good and the check out process is so quick! Last night we got all the fixin's for five meals this week, plus dinner last night and our necessary sweets all for $53.01. We did have to make a quick stop at Walmart where we spent another $20.00 on some necessary items like duck tape and Easter stuff, but all in all a pretty cheap night.
One other nice thing about John's lack of employment is that we can walk earlier in the day. The weather has been so nice lately and we have enjoyed three days of long walks. Tonight John is grilling up some burgers for our first cook out of the season. I better go get everything ready.
Despite our bleak financial circumstances, the first grilled burgers of the season always bring a smile to my face!