Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Busy Wednesday

Today was one of my two days off during the week. I had my dance card full as to what I all wanted to accomplish today. When I woke up, I didn't think I could ever get it all done. For those of you who know me well, you know that I always have those thoughts when I first wake up and then I am usually finished with said work by 9:00. Drives John crazy, but I digress.

Anyway I played my daily allotment of Family Feud and then forced myself away from the computer and started my cooking and baking. Since we have so many, many tomatoes and cucumbers, I did some online research to see what I could make with the fresh veggies. (Or are tomatoes a fruit as some would say)
Since our oven has been acting up lately I decided to bake a batch of brownies and a cake if it cooperated which I am happy to report, it did. After the baking I whipped up a batch of spaghetti sauce from my own tomatoes. Pretty simple recipe and it tasted good. I usually do not like chunks in my spaghetti sauce, but somehow when they are my own chunks, they didn't seem so bad.
I also made a batch of salsa with tomatoes, cukes, peppers, onions, cilantro, and lime juice. It tasted yummy right away, but I am thinking it will be even better when the flavors mix for a bit. I did make a batch with a jalapeno in it for John. I don't do hot stuff like that.
Next I attempted some refrigerator pickles which will be ready tomorrow. Not sure what to expect from those. I remember my mom and dad working together to can dill pickles when I was growing up. My dad would stuff all the cukes in the mason jars with the dill while my mom poured the mixture over them and they both waited for the jar lids to pop. Those dill pickles filled our "fruit cellar" all winter. Just some sweet memories that came back to me today.
Lastly, I made a salad with cukes, tomatoes, and peppers with celery seeds covered with oil and vinegar. That makes for a very summery, tasty salad.
I had all this done by ten and I felt good about that.

My next "to do" was finishing my scrapbook with the pictures from Mercer. Since John has been unemployed I have put my scrapbooking on the back burner for financial reasons, but this trip deserved a book so I finished it up in time to share it with Courtney and Alissa this weekend.

I also got some of my notes written for school registration and did my September calendars.
All that done by four, still have the night ahead of me, YES!
Now I am back on the computer and hoping for an early bedtime.

1 comment:

Kim said...

All the food (esp the salsa) sounds wonderful. Sounds like you got a lot done with your day off.

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