We had an awesome day of Christmas shopping yesterday. The weather was absolutely gorgeous so in between stores we added in some walking which is when the big mishap occurred. We had just purchased a few things in a downtown area of Wauwatosa and decided to walk up and down some of the residential streets in the area, very beautiful old houses to look at while walking which is what caused the problem. John and I were admiring some nice old house when I tripped over a raised sidewalk (let me tell you, the sidewalk was up at least six inches or more, I should sue) and went down HARD. John says he was sure I had broken something, but in true Sherri fashion I sprang up and continued on. My left knee took the brunt of the crash and it hurt like the dickens, my right knee hurt a bit and there was a little hole in my jeans, and my left hand had a small scrape. The car was about six blocks away so I didn't really access any injuries until we got back to the car. I was a bit afraid to look at the left knee since I figured it would be all scraped up so I started with the right one. A very small scrape, no big deal, now on to the left one. No scrape at all just a huge bump and bruise. So, not really too bad for such a loud crash! My left knee has one really sore spot where I must have hit, but other than that the swelling is down and it doesn't feel so bad. So, there you have my mishap!
Anyway, after the fall, we headed over to Puzzle World. We have driven past this store numerous times and decided today was the day to stop and check it out. We were not disappointed. A mixture of a teacher store with lots of puzzles and many high quality learning toys. We did not leave empty handed!

I would highly recommend this store to anyone looking for unique and educational toys, games, and puzzles. After our stop here we headed to Toys Are Us. We found just what we wanted for Tizita! Then on to Brookfield Square with a few stops and again our success continued. We had taken John's Kia and by the time all was said and done, it was loaded to the max.
One of my goals was to find a Christmas dress for Tizita. Well, not only did we find one, but we bought three of them and the total for all three was less than $40.00. Each dress alone was $40.00 before the sale price. I am posting the dresses here so Courtney can choose the one she wants for Tizita's picture on Wednesday at a local photographer. So, here you go, Courtney.

This one is off white with gold flecks and ribbon, probably my favorite, Our last one purchased at Penney's. I think it will look just beautiful with her chocolate skin.

This was our first purchase at Shopko. It is black velvet with a poofy skirt. I bought some black tights to go with this one.

And finally, our second purchase from Kohl's where things are always on sale. This one is green velvet with sparkles and white fur on the sleeves and bottom. Very cute! Bought white tights to go with this one!
Now I know that Tizita will look absolutely beautiful in any one of these numbers, but I am anxious to hear what Courtney has to say. If you leave a comment, feel free to voice your favorite pick.
Anyway back to our day, after Brookfield Square, we met up with Alissa for pizza and beer at Balistreri's. It was a yummy meal, great conversation, lots of laughs about my crash and about an old woman in a hat with a younger man!
So, to sum up the day, a white and gold party dress, $13.00, a red and black party dress $14.99, a green party dress with fur $14.00, Tizita wearing any one of these, Priceless!
Oh, and a crash by her grandma, also priceless!