Thursday, April 7, 2011


I have always been a big believer in signs. I look for signs whenever I am praying about a big decision or dilemna. Sometimes they are easy to see and sometimes I cannot find them no matter how hard I look. I am not sure if signs are something that the WELS Lutherans would teach and believe or not, but it is one thing that I believe in no matter what the official WELS thoughts are on them. It seems that the harder I look for a sign, the harder it is to see. I think the best way to hear God speak to me, be it through signs or an answer to a prayer is to sit back quietly and just let it happen. A few posts ago, I was complaining about our federal taxes because we owed more than I thought we should have to pay. I always have to get all worked about things first and then I calm down and look for the best way to handle the situation. I knew I didn't want to take the money out of our savings and we didn't have enough in our checking account at the time to cover the large amount, so I dipped into my Dave Ramsey envelope, the one where I have been paying myself $10.00 a day for about two years. It was hard to take money out of there to give to the feds, but it had to be done. After all that is what an emergency fund it for, right? My plan was to take out the amount we needed and then repay it with our state return when we received that one. But then, I saw a sign of how God had taken care of us without needing to dip into my stash. John brought home his check for the last part of March and it was big because March fell in such a way that it had more work days in it, I guess. Anyway God provided the exact amount of extra money we needed to pay the federal taxes. Coincidence, I don't think so. Sign that God has a plan and it is a perfect one for us, I think so! So, I am going to pray and then just sit back and wait for the signs to show up. They will not always be the signs we may want or understand, but we can be sure they are the best for us. This belief will make waiting for our next grandchild a little easier because God is in charge of it all and He has the perfect plan for our family. I am watching for signs!

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