Tuesday, October 15, 2013

It's Beginning to look a lot like Fall

After a beautiful run of nice fall weather, the tides are turning.
There is a coolness in the air letting us know that winter is just around the corner.
On Saturday, John dug everything out of our garden.
My bumper crop of sunflowers are now down.
The last of the cucumbers and tomatoes have been picked and the plants are gone.
It was a good year for the garden.
John also put away the birdbath, birdhouses, and lawn furniture.
That is always a bittersweet time for me since it seems like just yesterday that we were bringing all of it out in anticipation of the summer.
Summer came and went as it always does.
The Seasons clock keeps ticking and as much as I am dreading it, winter will arrive whether I want it or not.
The older I get, the more I dislike winter.
It is not so much the snow, but the cold temps that bother me the most.
Each year, I say I am going to embrace the winter and get as much enjoyment out of it as I possibly can, but I am not going to kid myself with that silliness this  year.
I will just go from car to school to car to home and look forward to curling up with a warm blanket on those cold evenings.
It is coming, I cannot stop it.
I am not ready or excited.
I do know that when my kids see those first flurries out of our classroom window, their excited squeals will more than likely rub off on me, at least for a moment or two.
They are young, they don't know what those flurries actually mean.
They will learn as they get older just like I did!

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