Thursday, March 3, 2011

Waiting, Wishing, Wrapping up a fine week

A bit of "W" alliteration for today's post.

Waiting - Still waiting patiently for word on our next grandchild. Courtney posted on FB a few days ago that she and Paul are on month 20 of their paper pregnancy! These paper pregnancies certainly try one's patience much more than having a baby the physical way. Even my going three weeks past the due date with Alissa doesn't seem all that bad comparatively.

Wishing - Just wishing the wait would be shorter rather than longer.

Wondering - Simply wondering what our grandchild will look like, aside from the brown eyes which is a given. Wondering if he/she is already in the Care Center and how old he/she will be when we finally meet. Wondering if our grandchild has any idea how anxious I am to finally give that first hug and start to build our memories.

Winter - Just a note to winter. Enough already, bring on the warm springlike weather and take all the snow with you on your way out.

Wrapping up my week in Preschool - We did not have school on Monday due to a teacher conference so I have had a short week, but it has been a great week all the way around. Rachel Fischer is spending this week and next Monday in my classroom as a part of her Early Field Experience. She is a sophomore at MLC studying to be an early childhood teacher. It has been my pleasure to have her in my classroom. She is going to make one awesome teacher. I hope she can walk away with at least one or two good ideas from me. I am at my best when I have someone observing me, so I have been on top of my game this week and it has shown. I think I have to pretend there is someone in there watching my every move each day! Here is Rachel with one of my classes.
Walking - John and I have been walking three nights this past week. It felt so good to be out there walking again. I hope we can continue on our streak and make a nightly walk a part of our day.
So, there you have it.

Note to my future grandchild: I cannot wait until I get to hear your name and see your picture. I know that when that happens, this wait will seem like nothing. Besides anything worth having in life is worth waiting for, right? I also hope you will be able to be a part of my Preschool class just like your sister Tizita has been for the past two years. It is such a special time when Tiz and I share moments as not just a grandma and granddaughter, but also as a teacher and student. Stay happy and healthy, we will meet you soon.

1 comment:

Verna said...

I hope your wait is shortened and you will not have to wait much longer.

I cannot immagine having to wait and having to do all the paper work.But, we do know the results are wonderful.

Until # 2 arrives--- we will enjoy all your entries about #1 whom you are already enjoying!

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