Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Teacups, Twins, and Trumpets

It is hard to believe that we have been celebrating Riverfests for 25 years now. I will never forget that first Riverfest with my now famous line to the girls, "We will just meet you over there somewhere," pointing in the general direction of the midway. Little did I know that by the time we were supposed to meet up with the girls, the park was filled and I mean every square inch of the park, was filled with people. Long story, short, the girls walked up to my mom's and we found them there. Since that first Riverfest, we have enjoyed many, many Riverfests. We have visited with long lost friends, drank countless beers, and heard great bands at Riverfests over the years.
This year our Riverfest began with a trip to the rides with Tizita and her two little friends, Sinai and Aquila. They are twins and they are full of spunk just like Tizita. Walking down to the rides together. These are three very excited little girls.

They all agreed to start with the Merry go round. Sinai and Tiz chose to ride together, but Aquila rode off in a different area. She has an independent spirit.

The teacups were next. It was hard for the girls to agree on the color teacup to ride in, but they finally agreed on the red one. The girls spun that cup around so fast and laughed the whole time.

Then it was on to the bees and a flight into the sky. Here they are not quite sure of what is going to happen on this bee, but they are trustworthy little girls and believed us when we told them it would be a fun ride.

We took a break for sodas, hot dogs, and pizza,

followed by a game of London Bridge,

and lots of running and dancing.

We ended the fun night with a game where all three girls chose a trumpet for their prize. They played their trumpets all the way home.

It was so special to see Riverfest through the eyes of these three girls where everything was fresh and new and exciting!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please for Christ sake help this poor boy from Haiti.

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