Monday, July 2, 2012

New Granddaughter, Back to old Blogging practices

A long time ago before Tizita was even home, I started this blog.  I actually started it in May 2008, since then I have posted 782 posts.  I have shared my feelings, my photos, and my family with anyone who was interested enough to read my blog.  It has given me a way to document my life and keep a record of the events and how/when they happened.  I often find myself going back and checking out details about certain events.  I hope that one day my kids and grandkids will be interested in reading it as a way of remembering me and the things that we have shared in our lives.  I often wish blogging had been around when my girls were growing up, I know I would have enjoyed reliving all those moments which are now all blurred and mixed up in my memory.

Earlier this year, I decided to post a photo everyday after a fellow blogger gave me the idea.  I have been very good at posting a photo and a post everyday since then, but with the new chapter in my life entitled, Soliana, I am going back to my old blogging ways.  I will blog whenever the spirit moves me and not follow a daily schedule.  It was fun while it lasted, but sometimes I did feel pressured to post something and some of it was more of a desperate post as opposed to something noteworthy that I would want to recall one day.  The new chapter and the decision really have nothing to do with one another, it just seemed the right time to do it.  I could just as easily say it was July 2 and that is why I made the switch.

I also closed my private blog about Soliana.  Now that she is safely home with her forever family, I can include her pictures and stories on this blog along with all the other family tales.  That blog served its purpose well in that it gave me an outlet for my feelings as I waited for Soli to come home.

Thank you to all who come and read here.  I have a number of blogs that I follow and I love to take a peek into their lives.  I welcome anyone to take a peek into mine via this blog.  Please feel free to leave a comment if you are so inclined, but it is certainly not necessary, just enjoy your time here.

1 comment:

Kim said...

You did much better than me with all of the photos. You've probably noticed but I've taken a blogging hiatus. I've been "unplugged" lately and taking less than 10 minutes per day for blogs and facebook (sometimes not checking anything at all). I still check yours regularly (it's the only one). I will get back to blogging soon but definitely like you said "whenever the spirit moves me." Enjoy the memory making times with Soli and Tiz. They are both beautiful girls!!!

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