Sunday, June 30, 2013

Lawn Cutting 101

 Let me start by saying that I come from a long line of "Men cut the lawn."
It was my dad's motto and it has been John's motto, too.
I have never had any interest in using a lawn mower anyway for various reasons, not the least is that when I was 16 years old my dad cut his foot nearly off with a lawnmower.
Since then, I have a lot of respect for those machines.
I was in my room getting ready to go out for the evening and I still remember the horrible noise and then the silence when the mower stopped with my dad's foot in it.
I think I stayed in my room and let more level headed neighbors and my mom handle the situation, but I know it was a painful mess and it took months for that foot to heal.
Another reason I have had little interest in mowing the lawn is because I think it is highly overrated as a form of either getting sun or getting exercise, really, people, I can think of better ways to do that!
And finally, John is very particular about his lawn, his cars, and his shoveling.
He has certain ways these things must be done and I steered clear of interfering,
Until today...
 I figured since John will be spending his weekdays up in Michigan training for his job and since I will want to do things with him on the weekends, maybe I should learn to run the mower and cut the lawn, so he would not have to do that on his weekends.
That is one long sentence.
Starting the mower is not easy feat.
I have to use lots of muscle to pull that starter cord.
Finally, it was running.
I did okay today.
I am not in my groove yet and do not quite know how to tackle the logistics of the lawn, but I did a few different mow plans today and they seemed okay.
When I was finished, John did come out and "clean" up a few spots, but for the most part, I passed Lawnmowing 101 as taught by John.
We do have a hill that runs the length of our backyard at the far end.  I told him I will not attempt that.
That hill is the very spot my dad almost lost his foot!
I am steering clear of that.
Be sure and read my last post about meeting Soliana for the first time if you haven't read it yet.

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