Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Our Annual Zoo Trip through the years

As I said in my last post, John and I have been taking Tizita to the Milwaukee Zoo each year since she came home.
I wanted to take a step back and look at those pictures.
I  hope that we will be able to take her and now Soli and any other grandchildren that may be in our future, to the zoo each year until they are grown ups
Tiz and I always talk about how we will look on the merry go round when she is in college and we laugh.
The Milwaukee zoo is expensive, but there is no price tag for making memories with our grandchildren.
These three photos are from our first visit to the zoo in July 2009.
That is the first time we took the picture by the snake sign.  We didn't know at that time that it would become a tradition for us.

This is Tizita's first ride on the train.
For those first few years, Grandpa had to ride by himself on the seat across from us.
We always said he would sit with the next Van Auken to join the family..
Finally, he has a seat partner.
This picture is from our second trip to the zoo 2010.


 And here we are in Sept. 2011.

Still waiting for a partner for Grandpa on the train!
These pictures are from October 2012 and look, Bumpa finally has a seat mate!
Soliana has joined the family and now we finally get to do the zoo with two!
Soli was just over 1 year and she did a great job especially considering it was pretty cold that day.

And here we are in present day, 2013.
Look what difference a year makes!
Soli is almost two and absolutely loved everything about the zoo.
Tizita is six and is such a joy on these outings.
She loves to learn about all the animals and she remembers the previous visits which is really fun.
So there you have it.
A history of our visits to the zoo.
This is what being a grandparent is all about!
On a totally different note, we have heard nothing from the company that John interviewed for on Friday in Michigan.
No news may or may not be good news.
They said they would let him know early in the week and this is Tuesday.
Tomorrow becomes mid week and our hope gets a little smaller.
I am trying to stay optimistic, but my motto 
"Hope for the best, expect the worst, and roll with the punches"
is making me very anxious.
I am trying to remember how thankful we were when John got his current job at Kapitan after six months of unemployment.
At that time, it was the best news ever and we were so blessed to have a job again.
That job is still there and John can go on working just as he has been, so that in itself is a great thing, but
it is hard to think about all the benefits that the other big company was willing to offer and how much closer the commute would have been.
Oh well, it is what it is or is it?
Time now to go walking with my friend, Lynne
and then off to zumba.
In case you are wondering about those ads on my blog, I can make a few cents if any of you click on them, so if there is anything of interest to you, please click and check it out and if not, no big deal, just come back and visit me often.

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