Somehow all roads seem to lead to Carroll College for John and I whenever we are in the Waukesha area. In the last few years, Carroll has changed its status from a College to a University. Not sure what criteria measure into this distinction between a college and university, but Carroll must have met it. John and I will always call it Carroll College because that is where we met and started this wild ride we call marriage. Whenever we walk around the campus our minds go back to two twenty year olds getting to know one another and falling in love. We shared times, mostly crazy times, always fun times, times when there was way too much alcohol involved, quiet times, times to dream and plan for the future. Would I want to go back to those times? Well, maybe for a short visit. Would I change them, not on your life...

John just could not find his way around the new and improved campus!

John's fraternity house. He was a TKE, but the TKE's no longer exist on Carroll's campus. I was a Delta Zeta and they no longer exist on Carroll's campus either. There were many good parties in this house, most involving Whop-a-too-lee which was always so yummy! Oh, if these walls could talk...

North Bergstrom Hall, my home for three years. And oh, if these walls could talk, the stories they would tell...

This is the union, much improved since we went to college. We ate all our meals here. Each dinner at night and on Sundays were sit down family style meals. We were served by waiters and waitresses. That seems bizarre now a days! John and I have many, many good memories of this place which do not involve the meals. We went to Schlags (beer dances) here almost every weekend. For a $1.00 and sometimes just your ID card you could drink all the beer you wanted and dance the night away. Oh, those were some good nights!

Old Main, John and I first eyed each other up in a speech class in this building. I wore short, short skirts and he had a great looking ass. It was meant to be!

It is difficult to see in this photo, but this is actually a steep hill that leads down to the glass gym doors. My college roommate, Joan and I roller skated down this steep hill in our little shoe skates with the key. You know the kind that came off your shoes every few skate steps. Well, going down this hill was not a very good idea when we crashed into those doors. No broken glass or wrists though! It was one of those things you only did once!

Vorhees Hall, the administration building. John and I were only in here to pay our bills.

Both John and I spent a fair amount of time in the Library. They have really updated it since we were there. Proudly, none of our money went to any of these remodeling projects.

Rankin Hall, I had all my education classes here. John says he never entered this building.

Maxim Hall, John spent most of his college life here in this building learning his Geography. I had a required geography lab in here, too. I think the big computer was up on the third floor here, too. That big computer took up a whole room and scared me.

Lowry Hall, I think I had math classes in here. John says he never entered this building. Apparently neither of us has strong attachments to this building.

Apparently Carroll College/University comes with its own effigy mounds, who knew? When John and i attended college here these were just little bumps in the lawn.

On our step back in time tour we came upon a few of these signs. Now this is a college or university (as it is now called) campus and unless things have changed drastically since I attended this college/university, smoking was a big part of college life. I am guessing no one heeds this sign. I also wondered if marijuana was allowed or if all smoking was banned!

So, as you see, the above sign clearly contradicts the entire smoke free thing since it states that one can smoke in designated areas of the Library! So, Carroll University/College, which is it????
Anyway, despite this smoking discrepancy our day was lots of fun especially with our step back in time to the glory days that were Carroll College!