Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Financial Peace University

John and I have signed up to attend Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University for the next thirteen weeks. Not sure what we are getting ourselves into, but from our research so far it seems like a great way to reevaluate finances and start managing our money in a different way. It is not a get rich quick scheme or any kind of scam. It is a program that teaches you how to save money, pay off debts, and have money alloted for unexpected things that come up.
With John being laid off twice already, we know that nothing is secure in our world today, so we need all the help we can get. I have always made and lived by a budget that I write down monthly and that is a big part of this program, so that should be easy for us. The program also uses cash for purchases because when you use cash it is harder to "spend" than when you use credit or debit cards. I also already save $10.00 a day in an envelope, I call it paying myself, so I am able to save when I put my mind to it.
We start our class on Sunday. It runs each Sunday through April for two hours. Another neat thing about this program is that it is Bible based which also adds to its successes.
The only thing is the above materials that we needed cost us $100.00 right up front. We did use cash though!
I will let you know how things are going and how much money we make over the next few months!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Sounds interesting. Clay and I have been working on reevaluating our expenses in preparation to buy a new house. We like to watch "Til Debt do us Part" on CSNBC and that lady makes the couples implement a cash only system. Can't wait to hear how this goes.

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