Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Online farming and Dr. Phil,

Today on Dr. Phil there was a daughter complaining about her mom who spent so much time farming online that she wasn't making food anymore or taking care of her kids. Here is the conversation between Dr. Phil and Farming mom:
Dr. P - "Were you able to leave your farm today without too much trouble"
F.M.- "Well, yes, because I made sure I planted crops that wouldn't need to be harvested until I got home and I fed the animals." ( If you are an obsessed farmer like me, this all made perfect sense!)
Dr. P - "You do realize that these are not real crops."

HA! Try and convince an online farmer that their crops are not real!
Do I think I have a problem with obsessive farming. Well, yes, I do, but I still make meals most of the time.
And, I have an obsession with my cafe, too. Actually I had better get back over there.
Good bye

P.S. I have a long line of online obsessions including The Riddler, Toon Town, Neo pets, The Sims, and that is all I can remember at the moment!


Kim said...

Very funny! I saw a Dr. Phil a few weeks ago that the daughter thought her mother was texting too much (esp while driving). I have to say the addictive farming is much safer.

Lissa said...

The Riddler! And you never even got that hat. SCAM!

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