Monday, July 20, 2009

Where were you 40 years ago?

Forty years ago, July 30, 1969, the day man walked on the moon. It seems we are always able to remember where we were when earth changing events happened, usually right down to the smallest detail.
On the day that President Kennedy was assassinated, I was watching the movie Treasure Island in the gym at St. John's. I was in fifth grade. They stopped the movie, made the announcement and we prayed together for the President and his family. All I know is I was so scared t the communists were going to take over our country.
On Sept. 11 when the twin towers fell, I was in my classroom teaching my Preschoolers at Mary Linsmeier School. I remember parents calling and telling us bits and pieces. I remember the mom of our two Muslim children calling and asking us to please not say anything to them until she could come and pick them up. I remember worrying about Alissa who was away at college, Courtney drove home from Milwaukee. It seemed we just wanted to be with people we loved.
This brings me to July 20, 1969. I was in the box office at the Classic Theater selling tickets to the movie goers. I think I was totally unaware of anything happening up in space, probably didn't even know there was anything up there at the time. I got home from work and my boyfriend and a few other friends were in my living room with my parents watching history unfold. They had all been at the ball park and wanted to find a TV to catch the moon walk on. Since we lived right up from the park they came to our house. So, I guess I was pretty oblivious to this whole historic moment in time!


madj said...

I hate to correct you, but the shuttles did not go into space until 1981 or so. This was the three-man Apollo 11, but I get your point.

Sherri said...

I wondered about that when I wrote it, but didn't know what to call it.

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