Friday, February 18, 2011

I'm Proud to Be an American (not so proud of my state right now, though)

So, all the Democratic Senators left their jobs today and ran to Illinois and Iowa, of that, I am not proud. How long would you keep your job if you just decided to not show up for a few days? This is not how democracy works, but enough on that on my following post about my very sweet preschoolers. And, No, they are not protesting, those are homemade American flags and we are marching in honor of our country and President's Day. Many, mnay years ago, we started teaching our Mary Linsmeier Preschoolers to sing, "God Bless the U.S.A." We would wave little flags and sing that song at our programs. There was never a dry eye in the crowd. There is something very moving about three and four year olds belting out the words to that song. I wanted to recapture those moments, so we have been singing that song as well as marching to "You're a Grand old Flag." I have been teaching them the pledge of allegiance and we talk a lot about the brave men and women who fight for our country. No matter what happens here in Wisconsin in the near future, this is still the greatest country of all and I want these little ones to be very proud of it. Maybe if we start with our littlest ones and instill this pride in them, our country will be stronger and even better when they become our leaders.
I did tell them that anyone of them could be President someday. I told them how proud I would be for having been their teacher, but then I realized I would probably be dead! HA
I asked them if anyone knew who our president was now. A few answered Washington or Lincoln. I held up a picture of Obama figuring that my grandaughter would know the answer since she has heard a lot about him from her papa, but even after I gave the clue of Barak, all she had to add was OBruno. Yep, Barak OBruno, our President. We straightened that out and now hopefully, most of my kids will answer correctly.
Today I will go back to school and we will march, wave flags, and ask God to Bless the U.S.A. again today. I think we will ask for extra prayers for Wisconsin today, too.

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