Sunday, June 28, 2009

A belated Father's Day celebration with John's folks, Mamaw and Pops

Yesterday we celebrated Father's Day with John's mom and dad who Tizu calls Mamaw and Pops.
(Same thing that our nieces in NC call them, it is just another weird southern thing, but works well for her since she can easily pronounce both those names) John's dad, Pops just got home from the hospital after spending 22 days in there trying to regulate medications he takes for his parkinson's. He was in good spirits considering all he had been through and Tizu was just what the Doctor ordered. John's mom always makes a yummy feast and always has enough for all of us to bring home leftovers plus last night she wanted to clean out her freezer since Pops hasn't been eating much lately, so in addtion to the regular leftovers we all left with coolers full of good stuff. I won't have to cook for at least two weeks, Yea!
Paul and Nathan always enjoy listening to Grandpa Jack's (Pops, he has a lot of names here and I don't want to confuse anyone) stories, he has war stories, Legion stories, telephone lineman stories, and they are all interesting. Nathan also likes to share a manhattan with Grandpa Jack but since he had to give up drinking for now, Nathan had to drink one alone.
Here are some pictures from our celebration:
Here is Tizu spending some time with Alissa and Cheddar. There is always some monkey business going on when these three are together!
Then Tizu helped Grandpa open his gifts. Just look at that proud grandma!

And finally Tizu helped her Papa with his gift. Pepper for Papa, perfect gift.

I am closing this post with a four generation picture of the Damman family.
Mamaw, grandpa, Pops, Mama, and the star of the show, Tizu.

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