Sunday, June 21, 2009

Take me back to the Island

We arrived home safe and sound earlier this afternoon. We cannot say the same about our car which came home not feeling so good. We knew our Taurus wagon was a bit sluggish upon arriving at the Island, but we figured a week of relaxation would benefit the car, too. We left the Island at 5:30 Eastern time and made excellent time all the way through Alabama and Tennessee. It was in Kentucky that I kept eyeing the heat meter which kept creeping closer and closer to H. I knew that wasn't a good sign, but didn't really want to mention it to John. As we crossed the Kentucky, Illinois border we pulled into the Welcome station at 4:00 Central time. The car proceeded to die just as we pulled into a parking spot. Not a good situation! The attendant at the rest area helped us by calling a mechanic and finding us motel rooms. Well, the last place that I wanted to spend the night was in Metropolis, IL even if Superman lived there! This first plan is not going to work for us. If it were just John and I we could call it all a big adventure, but with my mom and my niece in tow we had to press on. John went out and tried the car again and it started. We waited for the mechanic and he told us to drive a bit slower and it should get us home. We were off. We drove four and a half more hours to Bloomington because we knew that Alissa and Nathan were there for the weekend and between them and Nathan's dad we would be taken care of. It was a nerve wracking drive just going on a wing and a prayer. Niether John nor I have ever badmouthed our car and we didn't begin with this episode. Between prayers, we stroked her and talked to her. She did not let us down, we made it. Checked into a motel at 9:00 had pizza and beer and slept.
Today we left our motel at 8:00 and drove the remaining three and a half hours home without any problems. We were a bit on edge and were very relieved when we pulled into our driveway. Our car will go in for repair work tomorrow. I am so glad she is going to our usual mechanic.
It will be her last trip to SGI, but we are ready to go back.
The end of vacations are always bittersweet for me. As I was unpacking I was remembering how I took such care in packing up all the things we would need or want to make our beach home a comfortable place for us. It was sad to pack it all away. One of my favorite things about the Island is that I can wear anything that I want. I can walk the beach in my swimsuit without a cover up on with a baseball cap on my windblown hair. I can go shopping in my coverup if I want to. I can go all day without worrying about make up or hair products. It is such freedom for me. I have often made the mistake of buying some cute beachware that I wear down there and then never touch again up here. This time I bought a hooded sweatshirt that I know I will wear.
I miss my little Tizita after spending a week with her. John and I had so much fun with her and we are having Tizita withdrawal as well as SGI withdrawal.
I miss you St. George, but we will be back just not in our Taurus!


Verna said...

Sorry about your car. But glad you are safe and sound.

Metropolis? Actually Sherri, Bud and I have stayed in Metropolis and enjoyed our stay there very much. You could have called us, if needed be Bud might even have been able to trailer your car for you.

I know, coming home after a vacation really stinks... Back to reality is what I normally tell Kim.

Glad you had a wonderful time.

madj said...

Very good narrative regarding the car. I, too, miss this beautiful place that we share and call our own.

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