Saturday, September 11, 2010

Where were you when the world stopped turning?

Today we remember the tragedy of nine years ago when terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and a cornfield in Pennsylvania. What a sad, sad day for our country.

I was "teaching a class full of innocent children" at Mary Linsmeier School. It was drop off time and parents were coming in with shock on their faces and bits and pieces of the news. At first we thought it was just one plane, off course, a complete accident, but then another and another and another. We could not turn on a radio or a TV in our classrooms so I remember our cook bringing us reports as the news broke. We worked hard to keep our day normal for the kids.

Our parents hugged a little tighter that day nnd called more often to check in on their little ones. One of our students was a muslim (Sp) and I remember his mom calling and asking us to not say anything about who was responsible for the act until she could pick him up and explain things to him. She was worried people would hold it against him for his beliefs. Since we were dealing with Preschoolers, we didn't say anything about it at all. We just did our normal things in amongst all the chaos.

I remember Alissa was at IWU in the middle of Illinois. Courtney was working in Milwaukee. She came home to be with us and together we watched those airplanes hitting that building over and over again. My thoughts were with Alissa who seemed so far from home at the time. I just wanted my family right there with me.

Today, we must never forget those families who lost loved ones. We must never forget the cowards who flew those planes. We must never forget that God was with us the entire time.

We must never forget that on September 12, the sun came up as it always did, the flags were flying all across America, and my Preschoolers came back to a classroom where they found the same teachers, the same toys, and the same flag flying.

Never Forget!

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