Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Huge Packer Win and a new Miss America

Yesterday we went into Milwaukee to celebrate Alissa's 31st birthday with her. We began the celebration with a few pitchers and yummy sandwiches at McGinn's. The beer went down quickly and the conversation flowed freely with laughter all around. Here are two of the many Packer fans that showed up at the bar that day. In addition to it being Alissa's birthday it was also a big playoff game for the Packers as they would be playing the Falcons at 7:00 to move one step closer to the Super Bowl. In true Wisconsin fashion, the Green and Gold was being proudly worn throughout the state and all over Atlanta as well.
My mom also joined us for the big party and game. She still at age 82 enjoys a few good beers and adds so much to the conversation.

We headed back to the Hunter Pub in time to catch the start of the game, open presents, and then enjoy some cake.
Something did go terribly wrong with the cake. Tasted great, but was so crumbly, not sure what caused this, but it was a small thing in comparison to all the fun and victories of the night.

Yep, the Packers won BIG and what made the night even better (as if it could get any better) was that we were able to watch the Packers and Miss America on split screen. Oh, to have the modern conveniences of the Hunter Pub.
As some of you faithful readers may know, Alissa, my mom, and I have had a long standing tradition of watching Miss America pageants. We always have to choose our projected winner at the annoucement of the top 15. We were able to do that all together last night, John and Nathan joined in, too. Usually we have to do it over the phone. It was nice to all be together viewing it on the same TV. Nathan's choice, Miss Nebraska won, but there is controversy surrounding his choice. (Long story and it does not have to do with her, but rather how he chose her)
My choice had a fighting chance with her hair loss and all until she started dancing. That sealed her fate!
The big news by far though is that the PACKERS are just one game away from the Super bowl and that makes all of us here in Wisconsin very happy indeed!


madj said...

Yep, berr, cake, the Packers and young women in bikinis. What could be better? Happy birthday, Alissa!

Kim said...

I sometimes wish the blog posts just had the FB LIKE button because sometimes that's all I need. *LIKE*

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