Monday, January 3, 2011

Where Has All the Snow Gone?

As I was writing this title I was singing the words to the song, "Where have all the flowers gone?" In case you are too young to remember that song, let me fill you in. It was popular in my coffee house days (back when coffee houses weren't really a place to drink coffee, but more to smoke funny cigarettes, if you know what I mean) Anyway that was a war protest song probably sung by Peter, Paul, and Mary.
Now back to my point. I was disappointed when our snow had all melted during the last warm spell. I am not a big fan of snow, but I do like to have some on the ground especially now that we are back in the deep freeze.
Today was my first day back to school after my Christmas break. I was happy to get back and see my little ones again. We did the best we could to bring some snow into the classroom even if there wasn't any real snow outside.
Here we are making snow angels. It is just as much fun to make them with or without snow. The kids even wanted me to pull them up so they wouldn't get footprints in their angels just like when you make them in the real snow. We also made snowballs out of stuffing. We had fun throwing the snowballs at one another. Hurts a lot less than real snowballs. The kids thought it was great to be able to take the snowballs home with them, too. I put out a box of winter things so the kids could dress up for pretend play out in the pretend snow. It was funny to see them in all the scarves, hats, and mittens.

Finally, we cut out snowflakes for our ceiling. Is there anything as much fun as cutting out snowflakes? Tiz and I cut out a bunch over Christmas break and they are still hanging from the living room ceiling swinging in the furnace air.
So even though I am missing the real snow outside, I know since it is only early January we will gets lots more snow and have lots more time to sled and play in the white stuff.

Come on snow, I am ready for you! Just don't overstay your welcome.

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