Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th, fact or fiction

It is against my religious beliefs to put any stock in superstitions, but I still have a moment of panic when a black cat crosses my path. I have been known to throw some salt over my shoulder, although I am never quite sure which shoulder it is or what the purpose of the salt is. I never walk under a ladder just because it or the person on it might fall on my head. If my left ear rings, I wonder who is thinking or talking nicely about me, but I worry when it is the right ear, who is bad mouthing me? I won't open an umbrella in the house, who needs to take a chance with that one. If a fork falls on the floor, I wait for the doorbell to ring with the unexpected company. I think you get the picture...
So today, I will err on the side of caution and be just a bit more careful in my comings and goings.
Have a safe, uneventful Friday the 13th and don't break any mirrors!

1 comment:

Courtney and Paul said...

The only one I really believe in that you listed is the ears ringing. I HATE when my right ear rings and I have to think about who in the world is talking bad about me now!

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