Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First day of school was a success!

Even after 30 first day of Preschool and Kindergarten over the years I still get a bit anxious and pray that everything goes well and that I do well by my students. Today was no different. I had replayed the day over and over again in my mind but it is always so different when the kids come. It all looks great on paper and then when you add in the mix of kids you have to be able to fly by the seat of your pants and change course in a heartbeat. That I am good at, it comes from years of practice. I also prayed for no criers, actually that would be a miracle in itself, but today it was almost there. I had three minimal criers who my aid took care by diverting their attention to an art project and all was well. Happily I did not have to pry any child off of their mother, so that makes it a very successful first day. I have a delightful class that range in age from just 2 to turning 5 in a month. The age differences can be challenging but I am up for it and I could tell by today that my older more experienced students will help the new ones learn the ropes. ( just so they don't teach them all the wrong ropes!) I had 18 there today and will have 19 tomorrow on my biggest day. Tizita is coming tomorrow so I hope it is another successful day in my little Preschool world.
Here are some pictures of our first day:Singing, "Five little Monkeys."
Enjoying our yummy snack
These kids really knew how to line up for their first day of school.
Even the littlest ones got into a very nice line for me.
So judging by this first, it will be another fine year! Bring it on.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I found the answer to my question on facebook...looks like Tiz will be joining you tomororow ;o) Have a great day!

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