Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Heigh ho, Heigh ho, it's off to Build a Bear we go...

On Saturday, August 29, John and I went to Oshkosh to take Tizita to Build a Bear at the Appleton Mall. We had so much fun together, making many more memories. We also got to see her new bedroom which is just so cute!
Here is Tizita with Darrel, the big bear she got from Nathan's dad, Darrel. She loves that big bear! This is her new bedroom. Courtney and Paul got it all ready for her while she was visiting us one weekend. They did a wonderful job of making it into an inviting big girl room where Tizita loves to sleep!

Why is Tizita so happy? Because she gets to go to Build a Bear with Grandma and Grandpa!
Trying to decide which animal to make.
Final decision- a dog!
Brushing and fluffing Dog up in the bathtub. Tizita really enjoyed this process but did not care at all for the stuffing machine. She refused to watch the dog being stuffed. Grandpa had to work the pedal. She did enjoy kissing the red heart and putting it into her dog though.
And here is Tizita with her new friend whom she named Dog. She picked out this absolutely beautiful outfit after many changes. We like what she settled on and we figure Dog loves it as well. We especially are fond of the yellow hard hat which she calls a bike helmet. Dog also has undies on with her little tail sticking out of the hole in the panties!
Then we stopped for some chocolate covered raisins (which I did not touch, yuck) and a much needed rest
And some chocolate milk as a snack after our big adventure in Build a Bear.
We ended our very fun day with a good night story for Tizita. She happily went up to her new bedroom to sleep and we hit the road for our drive home. As usual, John and I were exhausted but happy!


Kim said...

Sounds like a wonderful day! The little outfit on dog is adorable.

madj said...

The brown candy in Grandpa's hand were not Dog droppings, were they.

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