Saturday, May 24, 2008

I was so excited to find a comment from Shari. Thanks , Shari for checking my blog and responding. I first met Shari through the Ethiopian forum (I guess that forum is good for many things) We have never met in person but through our email exchanges I feel such a connection to her and her family. We seem to be two peas in a pod. I look forward to the day I can actually meet her and our granddaughters can meet one another, too. Shari is a proud grandma to Izzy (biological) and Ethiopian born Kaleah. Kaleah is just four months older than Tizita Desta so they need to become friends. The best part of this whole story is that Shari lives in Hartford just up (perhaps down) the road from Watertown so meeting is going to happen. I look forward to her insight and advice as we embark on this journey. She has already been so helpful by reaching out to me. Her Kaleah lives in Clinton, WI which is also about an hour from here. I think God's hand was definitely apparent in bringing us together.
Another crazy coincidence is that Shari has a daughter getting married in Sept. and I have my Alissa getting married in August so we are both in the process of planning weddings and looking forward to those big events.
I like to affectionately call us the Shari/Sherri Sisterhood. What a blessing she will be in my life.

Message to Tizita Desta: Grandma has already found you a friend who came to her family from Ethiopia, too. You and Kaleah will hopefully meet and become fast friends. You will have much in common that most of us may not understand!

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