Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Life back to uncomplicated and a bit on the boring side which is always good

Everything about my life has settled into the normalcy which I thrive on. Tizita is home and thriving, Alissa is married and happy, John is commuting to a job that he enjoys, and school is fun! When I was waiting for Tizita and the wedding and even when John was laid off, I had much to write about, many feelings that needed to be written down. Not so much for the world to see, but more for my own sanity, but now I don't have as much which is good. The only things I could possibly think of that happened in my world lately are:
-The cute scarecrows and crows that my preschoolers made for our hallway. They turned out so much better than I expected.
-The beautiful harvest moon
-Daily phone conversations with Tizza to check out what she is up to
-My weekly date with Survivor and the Amazing Race
-A daily evening walk with John in the crisp fall leaves (Aren't the colors even more vivid this year than ever before or is it because as one gets older one notices these things)
-Great sleeping weather
So you see, nothing noteworthy here and that for now, is the way I like it.
Enjoy your Wednesday!


Kim said...

Just dropping by to say "hi." I hope you enjoy your Wednesday too!

Courtney and Paul said...

Boring is always good. Maybe Tizza will actually speak into the phone one of these days - we'll keep trying.

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