Sunday, October 12, 2008

This grandma thing just gets better all the time

Tizza just before she emptied out her drawer even though her mama told her not to!
" What do you mean, I shouldn't use this phone for a call?"

Grandma showing me how to use my foot to paint! This is very serious business

Here we are with all the toys that Grandma dragged out of the garage and played with.

Having a serious discussion about pumpkin necklaces with Alissa. Notice mama's sunglasses around Tizza's waist.

Jumping on the tires with mama and Amma

This is how we found Tizza watching out the window and waiting for us . She waves and says "Hi" and "Bye-Bye" so nicely now.

We had another great visit with little Tizza yesterday. Notice how we keep coming up with new nicknames for her. Yesterday John, my mom, Alissa, and I visited with her. We went to the park and played with her. She is so good at climbing up the slides, not the correct way to use a slide according to playground rules, but such a good motor skill. She likes to walk into the tiniest spaces and then wonder why we all can't follow her. She won't go near a swing, but loves to teeter totter. After our park experience, she ate her lunch and took her nap. The rest of us went to lunch and shopped for a bit at Hobby Lobby-always a fun experience. I was looking for Moses baskets but couldn't find any so I will have to use the walnut shells again. We got back to Courtney and Paul's and found Paul cutting his lawn with his weed whacker. Seems his push mower had broken. Tizza was waiting for us on the front porch. We played outside. I brought out all her toys that I had purchased from rummaging. I pushed them around while she tried to go in the street. We did some fingerpainting, she got right in there and had paint all over her feet, hands, and a little on the paper. I was happy to see that she was not afraid to get into the paint. Great Grandma Gigi was washing dishes so we put her feet in the dish water to clean her up. Since that wasn't doing the job we gave her a bath. That was fun! She does love the water! Then we played some bean bag games and other activity songs directed and played mostly by me. It was a day full of seeing all the new skills that she is learning. Tizza also warmed right up to all of us. She sat on Gigi's lap for the longest time taking things out of her purse. She came to me and let me hold her a number of times. Auntie Chedda Alissa also got to hold her. Ampa let her watch some football with him, a treat for her since she is not usually allowed in the TV room.

We ended our day with a few beers at the local Irish Pub here in Watertown with our good friends and fellow grandparents, Connie and Paul who were visiting from Wausau. All in all a very wonderful day!

1 comment:

Courtney and Paul said...

You got some really good pictures! I will need copies of some of those! You also need to figure out how to put them on a disc so I have the computer files for them.

Courtney and Tizza

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