Sunday, November 30, 2008

Is there a snow day in my future?

It has been snowing steadily since mid afternoon and is beginning to look pretty white out there. John and I took a walk after that ugly Packer loss and it was very pretty out there. If it keeps snowing all night long, there is a good chance we will have a snow day tomorrow. While most children and probably teachers enjoy a snow day, I find it difficult at the Preschool level. I only have so many days to finish up Christimas projects and teach Christmas songs and recitations. Some of my Monday kids only come two days per week so you can see the dilemma I face here. I also have my whole classroom set up for Monday's class. The helper chart, the name tags, the attendance chart, the projects, the worksheets, etc are all ready for tomorrow's class. But then again, they are only three and four years old and have lots more days of school ahead of them in their lives and it only takes minutes to ready the room for Tuesday's kids, so weigh that against a nice day off and I would enjoy a snow day after all. I will check the scrolling screen tomorrow when I wake up and see if we have another day off!

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