One week ago today, March 20, my precious little grandson, Natnael would have been 2 years old. Instead of celebrating his birthday with him here, we held a memorial service in his honor. We (John and I) never had the chance to hug him, hear him laugh, or squeeze his cheeks. We never had the chance to see him playing with his big sister, Tizita. God in his perfect wisdom took Natnael home and there really is no better place to be celebrating a birthday!
But, I choose not to dwell on the things we never got the chance to do, instead I look for the good things that came out of this sadness. First of all, our new granddaughter, Soliana is the first and best blessing to come out of it. If if were not for Natnael, we would not be waiting to welcome Soliana into our lives.
Secondly, I met (just via the internet) one of God's angels. I know that God placed Bridget into our lives for a big reason. I actually met her on the Ethiopian forum where families adopting can connect and discuss common issues. I had been a member of the forum before Tiz came home and found it a place of caring, comforting people. I revisited the site after our experience with Natnael. I felt the need to reach out to others who might have gone through such a tragedy.
I did indeed find about ten other families who shared their stories of loss with me. All had moved on and brought home a healthy, happy child. I found the hope I needed.
But, something much bigger came out of this forum. I met Bridget. She sent me an email immediately after reading my story. She had met Courtney via FB and she was bringing home Natnael's best friend from the Care Center, her son, Teshie! She had met Natnael when she visited Teshie for the first time. She had hugged him, seen him smile, watched him play with his best friend, and she had remembered him as a happy, fun little boy. She even had pictures of him in the background of her photos. I don't think you will ever know the comfort this wonderful angel brought me. God definitely made this happen.

This is Bridget and her son Teshie at the Care Center before she brought him home. On this trip, she actually took time out of her busy schedule to visit Natnael's grave and leave flowers for him. She sent me pictures of his final resting place and told me of a man she met at the cemetery. He comes everyday to visit his wife and he said he would keep an eye on Natnael. What a comforting thought. I know Natnael is not there, but it is still nice to know someone in Ethiopia cares enough to think of a little boy, gone too soon and left alone without any family there to visit his gravesite.

Here is another picture of Teshie. He turned 2 on March 19, just one day before Natnael. It is no wonder they were such good buddies. Bridget says he still talks about Nati and she will never, never let him forget his first friend. Our little Natnael made quite an impression on people in his very short life.

As a memorial gift to Courtney, Paul, and Tizita, Bridget and her family (husband, Luke, daughter, Ella and Teshie) bought a star in in honor of Natnael. They always wanted him to be shining down on us! I am so moved by strangers' kindness.
Someday I hope to meet this wonderful lady and her family. I want to give her a hug and say "Thank you" for all she has done to make this easier for all of us.
So, with all this said, Happy Birthday, Natnael. I know, a week late, but he won't care!
We love you and think of you each day.