Monday, June 30, 2008
They are back!

Friday, June 27, 2008
Memories of St. George Island-one year ago

Mallory and Courtney jigging. It is one of Courtney's favorite activities.

Mallory and Marge on the beach.

John floating around in our pool.

Mallory and I on the widow's walk flying our kites.
Blog Post number 50!

Courtney with her baby. She looks like she will be a wonderful mommy. Notice the pacifier in her mouth.

Courtney age four and Alissa age two.
Courtney and her handsome daddy.
Courtney and her cute mommy.
What happened to us? When did we get so old?
Yep, you read it right! This is post number 50 for me! When I started this journey, I did not think I would find blogging to be so much fun and so addicting, but here I am still at it. I also did not think that I would already be waiting for Tizzy to come home. I thought my grandchild would go unnamed and known only to God for a much longer time than this. How blessed we all are! I wonder where I will be in this journey in 50 more entries.
I tried something new today by putting up some old pictures from when your mommy and Auntie Alissa were little. I took pictures of the old pictures so I hope they turned out okay. We shall see.
Hi Tizzy, Thinking of you so much today, hoping you are staying healthy, gaining some weight, and learning new skills. It won't be long now until your mommy and daddy come to get you and bring you to your new home. See you soon!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tizzy is officially ours!
Note to Tizzy: What an exciting day for all of us. You are officially a Van Auken now! Welcome little one!
Relaxing and Waiting... Give me patience, quickly!
Still no word from the wilderness of Montana about the court proceedings. So to keep myself relaxed and in a good state of mind I am headed over to Mallory's pool to drift aimlessly around on one of her rafts. Should be a fine way to spend a summer afternoon. Maybe I will get a call tonight and they will have some news or maybe they won't call until they return home on Sunday, so Grant me patience, quickly please! I am off with cell phone in hand.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Back in the Saddle again

Monday, June 23, 2008
Our last full day in Oshkosh

- The Van Auken Bed and Breakfast
- The bike/walking path along Lake Winnebago
- The flat streets (I never had to change gears on our bike ride)
- Friendly people (Everyone stops and chats)
- The Good Eating places
- The busy and prosperous downtown area
- The pretty campus of UWO
- The cool breezes off the Lake that blow through this house
- The free zoo and beautiful park
- And the best part is that Courtney, Paul, and soon little Tizzy live here!
Hi Tizzy, Each day brings us one day closer to meeting you and showing you around this great city! You will love it here, just look at some of the animals you will see at the zoo. Also on the big globe Grandpa is pointing to Ethiopia where you live now and I am pointing to Oshkosh the place you will be living very soon. This big globe is in the park.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Grandpa John and the hand mower

Updated Playroom Pictures

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Biking the Fox River Trail in Green Bay

Planning your Playroom
Grandpa and I have been working on your playroom. It is so much fun for us to arrange all the fun things that people have given you. We also went shopping at Toys R Us for a few goodies that we thought you needed in your playroom.
Tomorrow while Grandpa cuts the lawn with your daddy's hand mower or maybe he will use your pink bubble mower, I will be up in the playroom doing some more organizing. Check for a picture tomorrow after I complete my work.
Birds in Oshkosh

Note to Tizzy D.: Good news, you will be able to feed ducks right here in your home in Oshkosh! You will also be able to feed sea gulls (your grandma is an expert at feeding gulls) and geese.
Okay, so i lied!

Friday, June 20, 2008
Vacation at the Van Auken Bed and Breakfast
Note to Tizzy: We will be staying in your house in Oshkosh for a few days. Here's something to keep between you and I (we won't tell your mommy and daddy because they might get nervous being way out in Montana and not able to control me) I plan on working on your playroom a bit while I am up there. I have some ideas that I plan to put into action. I feel like I have some expert advice on playrooms due to my Preschool classroom experiences. Mum's the word!
To those who actually read this blog, I will not be able to update for the five days because of computer issues so be patient and I will update when we get home.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The twins go for a drive!

A surprise call from Portugal!

Monday, June 16, 2008
Memories of the Watertown Aquatic Center

My thought for Tizzy today: Swimming has always been so important to your mommy and your Auntie Alissa. They swam from the time they were even younger than you are today. I don't know if you will be a swimmer or not, but I do know that we will spend many happy times at the Watertown Aquatic Center. I am so excited to take you there!
When did we get old enough to retire?

More Father's Day shots

To Tizzy:
Here are a few pictures from our Father's Day. The top left one is my Brother Kevin (your great Uncle) and my niece Mallory (You will call her Auntie Mallory)
The top right is my daughter Alissa (your Auntie) and Mallory again. Hard to believe that Alissa is 28 and Mallory is 15! They are like two peas in a pod when it comes to their sense of humor! They both make me laugh. Just wait until you spend time with the two of them they will make you laugh so hard and teach you many things. (Most useless and inappropriate)

The last picture is Grandpa John and Auntie Alissa. Your mommy and daddy were traveling around the country at this time so John only had one daughter here with him for the day. We also had John's dad, mom, and sister out for a cook out. It was a very nice, relaxing day. The sun was shining and the basement is finally drying out! Thank you, God.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
The Flood of 2008

one of our many bridges.