Friday, June 20, 2008

Vacation at the Van Auken Bed and Breakfast

John and I are leaving today for five days of vacation. We are staying at the Van Auken Bed and Breakfast up in Oshkosh. It is supposed to be a lovely old home built in the late 1800's located right across from lake Winnebago. Now if you know John and I, you know we would never stay at a Bed and Breakfast. We don't really care to mingle with others all that much. The thought of sitting down to a group breakfast is totally unnerving to us. Making small talk with total strangers is just not our cup of tea. The good thing about this Bed and Breakfast is that we will be the only guests and the cost is free. We will do a bit of cleaning, plant watering, lawn cutting, and other small household duties to earn our keep, but all in all a great deal for us! We plan on doing the Fox River Bike Trail in Green Bay on Saturday and biking around Washington Island in Door County on Monday. Our plan for Sunday is house chores and then a nice anniversary dinner at an Italian place we enjoy up in Oshkosh. Think of John on Sunday as he is cutting the lawn with Paul's push hand mower. Back in the Elkhorn days, John had to use one of those due to lack of finances to buy a power mower. One day as I was playing with Courtney in the house we saw the mower fly past the window in the air! John had gotten so mad at it that he threw it and it went sailing. Too funny! I hope he won't have to launch Paul's mower! What would the neighbors think!
Note to Tizzy: We will be staying in your house in Oshkosh for a few days. Here's something to keep between you and I (we won't tell your mommy and daddy because they might get nervous being way out in Montana and not able to control me) I plan on working on your playroom a bit while I am up there. I have some ideas that I plan to put into action. I feel like I have some expert advice on playrooms due to my Preschool classroom experiences. Mum's the word!
To those who actually read this blog, I will not be able to update for the five days because of computer issues so be patient and I will update when we get home.

1 comment:

Courtney and Paul said...

Too bad I read your blog before we left! I know all about the playroom plans! I'm sure you'll work wonders.

Enjoy the B&B - hopefully no other guests will show up!

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