My Grandma says, "Thanks for reading my blog."
Hope you enjoy the new look of my blog. I thought it was high time to change the look and the name since I am no longer a Grandma in Waiting! Thank you for coming with me on this journey and for sticking with me during the long hall. I especially want to thank a few special blog followers at this time:
Thank you to my very good friend, Connie who has supported me unconditionally through every phase of my life. Her words of encouragement over the past year have been priceless. I look forward to visiting Grandmaville with her.
Thank you to my newer reader, Verna, the mom of Alissa's good friend, Kim. Thank you for checking in on me so much and always taking time to leave such kind, encouraging comments and for keeping me in her prayers.
Thank you to Kim, Verna's daughter. Thank you for your kindness and compassion. We won't tell Alissa how often you cry tears of joy for me, right? I am so thankful for the luck of the draw that made you and Alissa roommates that first year at IWU. I appreciate all your comments, prayers, and words of encouragement.
Thank you to my old college roommate, Joan who has been such a support to me during this wait for Tizita. Thank you for your kind words that helped me know this would all work out just fine and it did.
Thank you to Badger Girl even though I have never met you. You gave me many helpful kind comments that made me feel so much better on some pretty rough days. You have a gift for the right words.
Thank you to my grandma sister, Shari who has been there from the beginning of our adoption journey. We met through the Ethiopian forum. I know God helped us find one another. You have helped me more than you will ever know with your understanding of this whole process. You were my special angel. I can't wait to meet you and your family very soon.
Thank you to another grandma of little Mehandis. Again we have never met, but your words also helped me during this process. Your little grandson is so handsome. I look forward to keeping in touch for many years, Diane.
Thank you to my friend, Lynne who has so kindly shared her grandchildren with me while I waited for my own. Thanks for your kindness and listening ear during this process. I look forward to sharing grandma times with you and having my own grandchild this time.
Thank you to Melissa, Lynne's daughter, the mom of those precious three children who I practiced my grandma skills on.
Thank you to Tizita's other grandma, Pott for her calming words as we waited out this adventure. She often understood things that only the two of us could. I look forward to grandmothering this precious little girl together.
Thank you to Kari, Paul's sister for reading my blog and leaving supportive comments. I know Sofie, Celia, Stella, and Tizita will have wonderful cousin times.
Thank you to Gretchen for her prayers and encouraging words.
Thank you to all of you who may read this blog but not leave comments, that is okay, too.
I especially want to say thank you for the prayers during Courtney, Paul, and Tizita's travels when I was really on edge. The power of those prayers gave me a wonderful calm, peaceful feeling.
Of course I need to thank my family:
My niece, Mallory for always making me laugh and helping keep my mind off of stressful things.
My daughter, Alissa who adds the comic relief to my days and Nathan, my new son in law for letting me come and play wii when I need diversion
My mom who is always supportive and willing to listen to anything I have to say
My husband, John for being the other half of this grandparent thing. another new adventure for us to share together.
And of course, to Courtney, Paul, and Tizita who were the inspiration for this blog in the first place.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
I Hope you continue to read about my adventures as I embark on my new role here in Grandmaville.