Sunday, September 21, 2008

Another pleasant valley Sunday here in Watertown

Do you notice that I am giving my entries titles of songs? Wonder how long that will last! John and I took a nice long walk today which actually took us to four different cemeteries and no, we weren't really on a mission to visit cemeteries but rather to find some fall leaves, seeds, and nuts for my sensory table. Since cemeteries always seem to have so many pretty trees we went there to search for the fall items and we had luck. We found so many acorns with the little hats still attached as well as many oak and maple leaves. I put them in my sensory table along with some big tweezers, a bunch of rubber insects and worms, and empty peanut butter jars. Tomorrow the kids will enjoy catching bugs and putting them in the jars while crunching the leaves and breaking the hats off the acorns. After our walk we settled in for the Packer game. It is half time right now and things aren't going just too badly yet. John is watching downstairs and I can usually judge how the Pack is doing by how much yelling I hear. So far, not too much.
Note to Tizita: I hear that you do not like riding in your stroller too much. Don't worry you will get used to it and even come to enjoy it, I bet. The twins sometimes fussed in their stroller, too, especially when they noticed that I was pushing it instead of Nana Lynne. I can't wait to see you next Saturday.

1 comment:

Verna said...

Call me strange, but I like to walk thru cemeteries and see if I can find the oldest and most unique markers. When we went looking for Bud's relatives graves at Storm Lake, Iowa we discovered the children's markers had a lamb or a bell on top of the concrete marker.
Autumn time, yes the leaves will turn soon, glad you found lots of treasures to use with your class.

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